A wide variety of types and designs of threaded fittings allows you to create a pipeline of any, the most complex configuration. Carving fittings are easy to install and main, allow multiple installation/dismantling and replication, universal, so — is used everywhere in industry, construction, building and communal services, in everyday life. Threaded steadyless fittings are resident to corrosion, high pressure, mechanical and thermal loads. The connection they have created will be durable, reliable and durable.
We offer steadyless threaded fittings made of steel AISI 304, AISI 316 of different types and designs:
- popular American woman, convenient to install and ensure good nightness. In the asset of the company American BP/BP and HP/BP, incorporating execution with PTFE gasket;
- bochonki. Applied for connecting fixed pipes, connecting containers and equipment;
- stainless plugs of four-and hexagonal HP and cap BP. Create deadlocks in the pipeline, are used as covers of containers;
- locknuts used to lock and structured the threaded joint;
- couplings steel styleless two types: equal-pass for connecting areas with equal diameters and transitional for transmission from one diameter to another;
- nipples: welded, connected at one end on welding; hexagonal with the mountain head under the coach; transnational for translation from diamond to diamond;
- taps 90o BP/BP and BP/HP., changing the direction of the pipeline route to perpendicular;
- reinless steel slides are welded and threaded to connect pipes that cannot be rotated;
- tees, distributing the working flow in two directions;
- lining for translation from one thread to another;
- "elochka" fittings". With their help, devices, equipment, tanks are connected using a house.