
Stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

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Слобожанинов Игорь
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Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович

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  • industry, incorporation pharmaceutical, food and other industries that require hygienic cleanliness and environmental friendly, as well as chemical and petrochemical industries, installation, etc.;
  • constructing. Profile pipes (square and rectangular) are used to create a variety of structures;
  • architecture & design. Stainless pipes are made of structures, rails and other structures, elements of the decor of the urban environment, exterior and interior of buildings.  


In our catalog are presented:

  • round pipes made of steel: seatless for installation on pipeline sections operating under high loads (enterprises of energy, chemical and food industry) and electric welded, installed in heating and water supply systems, etc, in main pipelines. Seamless pipes are produced by rolling method, electrically welded — by welding the edges of the stainless sheet. Such pipes have a large diameter with a small wall thickness and have less direction, including due to the welding season;
  • stainless profile tubes of square and rectangular cross-section. They are used as a structural material and as a workpiece for the management of parts of street structures, design compositions, decor elements.  Square pipes have the best characteristics of strength and rigidity, so they are used as a structural material in construction. Rectangular pipes are also used to create structures. Their other application is — architecture, design (art objects, decor, street structures, small architectural forms, furniture, etc.).

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